NHBG Publications
The Norfolk Historic Buildings Group produces two strands of publications; an informative newsletter twice a year to keep members up to date on what the organisation has been doing in the previous 6 months, and a series of much more detailed journals which are based on reports, studies and detailed analysis of specific buildings, and historic growth and change within settlements.
Newsletters are sent to members twice a year – in April and September. Each issue contains short papers by the winter speakers, members’ reports on meetings and visits, reports on individual building studied by the Group, brief digest of buildings visited by the Group, short articles on research in Norfolk by both members and non-members, regular updates of the current major projects, and a diary of events.
Newsletters are available to non-members via the website one year later. Recent editions are full colour, older editions have a colour cover and black and white pages, online versions are colour throughout.
If you have a short article about Norfolk historic buildings or closely associated topics contact the editor, Ian Hinton, at: 134 Yarmouth Road, Thorpe St Andrews, Norfolk NR7 0SB, via email at editor@nhbg.org.uk or telephone 01603 431311.
Newsletter archive
Access previous newsletters as PDFs, open information for members and non-members.

We have currently produced 7 journals covering everything from religious houses to secular building, schools, churches and pilgimage centres within the county, studying not just the buildings but their place in the landscape, change and adaptation from early medieval to modern use in the building’s contexts. You can browse these below.
Copies of Journals can be obtained from: Ian Hinton, 134, Yarmouth Road, Thorpe St Andrew NR7 0SB; or editor@nhbg.org.uk.
Copies are also available for purchase at winter meetings.

Journal No 1:
Norfolk Historic Buildings : A Research Agenda for the Future, 2002/3
A statement of our research agenda with five essays on different aspects of buildings research. The Group no longer has copies of this Journal available for sale but second hand copies can sometimes be purchased through second hand sellers such as Abe books.
Journal No 2:
The Historic Buildings of New Buckenham, 2005
The study of the Norman planned town of New Buckenham: historic buildings within the landscape context, dendrochronology of a limited number of houses, documentary evidence, and a full gazetteer of houses visited.
The Group no longer has hard copies of this Journal available for sale. Second hand copies can sometimes be purchased through second hand sellers such as abe books. NHBG have scanned a copy of this Journal. It is a very large document. It can be downloaded free from the New Buckenham Archive here.
Journal No 3:
Recent Research into Vernacular Buildings and Parish Churches : Case Studies from Norfolk, 2007
Fourteen essays into different aspects of secular and religious buildings in Norfolk.
This Journal can be purchased: £8.00 + £4.00 Postage & Packing
Journal No 4:
The Tacolneston Project : A study of historic buildings in the claylands of south Norfolk, 2009
The Tacolneston study summarises the historic buildings of the area with landscape context, dendrochronology of a limited number of houses, some documentary evidence, and a full gazetteer of houses visited.
This Journal can be purchased: £10.00 + £4.00 Postage & Packing
Journal No 5:
Building an Education: An Historical and Architectural Study of Rural Schools and Schooling in Norfolk c.1800–1944, 2013
The culmination of a three year project focusing on the recording and interpretation of the surviving rural schools in Norfolk with records for nearly 480 separate schools.
The result of a pioneering partnership between English Heritage, the Norfolk Record Office, the University of East Anglia, the NHBG and a team of over twenty volunteers.
For a more detailed summary of the Rural Schools Project click here.
This Journal can be purchased: £10.00 (b&w) + £6.00 Postage & Packing
Journal No 6:
Little Walsingham: A study of historic buildings in a medieval pilgrimage centre, 2015
This volume is the result of several years of surveys and analysis of the buildings in Little Walsingham and their documentary history. This work is placed in the context of the landscape archaeology of the town, medieval pilgrimage and the roles of the Priory and Friary in Walsingham. The buildings of the town and their remaining medieval elements are described as well as their specific construction and adaptations in the centuries prior to and after the Dissolution of the Priory and Friary in the sixteenth century.
A fully illustrated gazetteer of the details of 70 buildings. A variety of dating techniques were employed: the findings and problems with dating are discussed. NHBG is grateful to grants for dendrochronology from the Vernacular Architecture Group and towards publication from The Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society. Colour cover with 750 b&w images.
The volume is available for £8 to members (which helps towards our production costs) and £12 to non-members (but £8 to members of VAG and NNAS). It can be posted at a cost of £4 (it weighs over 1kg) for £12 (member) or £16 (non-member).
Journal No 7:
The buildings of Hempnall: part of the Great Rebuilding? 2020.
The Journal provides an historic background to Hempnall, South Norfolk and its houses and a detailed analysis of each of 45 houses. It considers the houses in relation to WG Hoskins’ theory of ‘The Great Rebuilding’ in the late C16 which argued that the old medieval style of open-hall houses gave way to houses with chimneys and floors throughout. The volume is 200 pages long, with over 800 colour photos, maps and measured drawings.
It is now available to members for £8 per copy and £15 to non-members, plus postage and packaging £4 (£12 for members, £19 for non-members).